New language, same old learning attitude :D I hope you like it
I want to give you a little peak into my personality, beacause I can tell that a value fit is as important to you as it is to me. I also want to take this opportunity to let you in on the secret of my super-powers. And lastly, the juice... why I want to be a part of the SovTech Team.
The earliest trait my family can recall about me was how much joy I got out of learning new things. That is the reason why my illiterate parents invested everything they could into my education. That hunger has remained with me, and it is a corner stone for my personality. I am and always was interested in a wide array of topics, and I learned early on to absorb information rapidly. This skill was mostly unfocused, until I built the next pillar of my personality.
When I was 15 a friend of mine showed me how to make HTML files on my tablet and run them on my browser, and that was love at first sight. I had finally found somewhere to channel my ravenous hunger for knowledge. For some reason programming was the one task I was motivated enough to actually want to master. Every afternoon for about 3 years straight was spent in my school's computer lab making games. This culminated in me being top of my IT class and studying Computer Science at university.
The third pillar of my personality is the most recent, and the most valuable. I was always a lonely child who couldn't connect with other people. One day my best friend invited me to the debate club at break, and that's where I learned how to interact with an audience and a team. When you meet up with me in the near future you will find it unbelieavable that I used to be a shy 16 year old with few friends. I have learned to ineract with others empathetically, and the drive and ability to connect have become a corner stone in my life.
Super Powers
Why SovTech?